24 - 25 Oct 2024

Cyberport Venture Capital Forum 2024

TOPICS: Entrepreneurship , Founder , Innovation , Start-up , Startup Community , Hong Kong


Cyberport Venture Capital Forum 2024

Innovation Challenger: Building New Venture Visions

Organiser: Cyberport
Date: 24 – 25 October 2024 (Thursday – Friday)
Venue: Cyberport

The startup landscape is undergoing a seismic shift amidst the prevailing global turbulence. Amidst the lingering global market uncertainties, economic volatility, and geopolitical challenges, entrepreneurs must now navigate a more complex and competitive environment, with a bold and compelling vision that can captivate investors, forge corporate partnerships, unlock valuable market collaborations to scale and drive sustainable growth.   

With the exponential disruption of AI, Web 3 and other smart technologies redefining the tech boundaries, how can innovators and investors navigate risks and rewards and adapt to a new funding reality?  

Join us on 24-25 Oct at Cyberport Venture Capital Forum 2024 with leading venture capitalists, innovators, and big thinkers to explore the next horizon of inno-venture with fresh perspectives on trending topics – FinTech, Web3 and AI, and emerging tech sectors that are reshaping the VC landscape and investors’ priories, as well as sharing insights on how start-ups can harness geopolitical advantages and market opportunities in Hong Kong, the GBA regions, Middle East and ASEAN countries. 

Themed “Innovation Challenger: Building New Venture Visions,” will gather leading venture capital experts, innovators, and thought leaders to explore the future of innovation and tech venture, offering  all-encompassing experience with keynote, panel sessions, innovator showcases, pitches, investor matching, start-up clinic, workshops, and more.


Website: https://cvcf.cyberport.hk/en/index
Registration: https://cvcf2024registration.chefdigital.io/?lang=en