由香港貿發局及恒生銀行攜手創立的InnoClub 將於5月24日於廣州香格里拉大酒店舉行一場科創交流會,主題為:「落戶香港,邁向國際」。活動將由主講嘉賓剖析內地企業落戶香港的機遇與挑戰,並設有交流互動環節。參加者可一邊享用精美小食,一邊與在場的大灣區企業代表互相交流,發掘合作機會。把握這個難得的交流機會,立即報名參加!
請於5月22日(星期一)前填寫以下報名表格及回覆此郵件至innoclub@hangseng.com 以確認您的出席。期待在活動上與您相聚!
活動詳情 |
日期: |
2023年5月24日(星期三) |
地點: |
廣州香格里拉大酒店三樓滿江紅廳(中國廣州市海珠區會展東路 1 號) |
時間: |
4:15pm – 5:45pm |
語言: |
普通話 |
講者: |
內容: |
4:00pm – 4:15pm 登記 4:15pm – 4:45pm 主講嘉賓分享 4:45pm – 5:45pm 商業交流(設有小食及飲品) |
備註: |
查詢: |
報名方法 |
請填寫以下資料並回覆此郵件至 innoclub@hangseng.com,成功登記將會收到確認電郵。 |
公司聯絡人: |
公司名稱 : |
公司電話 : |
電子郵件: |
Acknowledgement of InnoClub Terms and Conditions:
□ I, on behalf of the Company, confirm that: I have read and agree with the InnoClub Terms and Conditions. |
□ I would like to be part of the InnoClub's contact list and be informed of the latest market intelligence, news or events update and business opportunities. |
InnoClub Terms and Conditions InnoClub is a platform co-created by Hang Seng Bank Limited and Hong Kong Trade Development Council to empower small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area (GBA) to digitalise and innovate. These Terms and Conditions is between you as the SME, and Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Hang Seng Bank Limited as the operators of InnoClub, governing your InnoClub membership including your participation in any InnoClub subscription, events and activities (“Membership”). Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Hang Seng Bank Limited are collectively referred to as “we” or “us”. MEMBERSHIP:
We shall not be liable for any damages, losses, expenses, claims or proceedings incurred or suffered by you arising from or in connection with the Membership, any InnoClub event or these Terms and Conditions, to the extent permissible under all applicable laws and regulations.
In the event of any issue or dispute in relation to the Membership or these Terms and Conditions, our decision shall be final and conclusive.
關於InnoClub |
「InnoClub」成立於2021年12 月,是由香港貿易發展局與恒生銀行聯合建立的一站式平臺,目的是協助香港及大灣區的中小企實踐數碼轉型及採用創新業務方案,提升本地中小企的競爭力,促進香港創科發展。
「InnoClub」去年共舉辦12+場研討會、商貿配對、企業交流等精彩活動,為中小企提升創新速度及尋找合適合作夥伴。2022年共有500+中小企代表加入為會員。 |