
Keep up-to-date with startup news and the latest startup community trends.
6 Apr 2023

Innovation tops agenda

As Hong Kong moves forward in an uncertain world, technology is taking centre stage. read more
6 Apr 2023

Easier entry to HK welcomed

The HKTDC’s chairman lauds further opening up of the city and outlines five key strategies to help SMEs capture opportunities. read more
6 Apr 2023

Entrepreneur Day

Industry players from across the world will discuss the development of an international start-up ecosystem. read more
29 Mar 2023

Unleashing microbe power

A Hong Kong biotech start-up’s solutions rebalancing the microbiomes all of us carry can unlock regenerative superpowers. read more
17 Mar 2023

Blueprint for innovative future

As mainstream industries rapidly digitalise and the world looks to a hi-tech future, the Hong Kong Government sets out a blueprint to plot the city’s I&T course. read more
16 Feb 2023

Eyeing GBA opportunities

An American ophthalmic specialist sees Hong Kong as an ideal launch pad for expansion into the mainland and ASEAN. read more
16 Feb 2023

A safe haven for digital assets

Losing Bitcoin to hackers inspired the founders of a Hong Kong start-up to create a secure wallet for cryptocurrencies. read more
16 Feb 2023

New fitness concept gains ground

Pandemic-driven changes to the fitness and real-estate industries have created a demand for more compact workout spaces. read more
14 Feb 2023

Cosmetics start-up hits sweet spot

A nail wrap designer has reaped rewards from the HKTDC’s T-box programme and has set its sights on regional expansion. read more
14 Feb 2023

Smart delivery

An innovative Hong Kong express delivery firm has been speeding into the huge ASEAN market and is eyeing a US listing. read more
14 Feb 2023

IT drives Industry 4.0

A Hong Kong technology enterprise has taken the opportunity to explore overseas markets amid the pandemic. read more
14 Feb 2023

Herbal tea shop thinks big

The HKTDC’s T-box programme is helping a health-food innovator expand its market beyond Hong Kong. read more
14 Feb 2023

Cancer clinic comes home

A Hong Kong start-up brings top oncologist services to Mainland China and ASEAN patients through telemedicine. read more
14 Feb 2023

Malaysia puts focus on tech

Digital entrepreneurs in Hong Kong can capitalise on strong historical links with one of the strongest Southeast Asian economies. read more
14 Feb 2023

In-body robots bring benefits

A Hong Kong research team drew inspiration from Hollywood to develop “slime robots” that could offer multiple medical applications. read more
14 Feb 2023

The art of finding the deal

A start-up platform is taking the hard work out of searching for credit and debit card offers. read more
14 Feb 2023

Healthcare start-up hits a high note

A medical supply company launched in response to the pandemic found Hong Kong to be the perfect base to grow into a global business. read more
9 Feb 2023

Artists find digital pathway to prosperity

A local start-up is leading the way in using NFTs to connect buyers and sellers of artworks, creating new business opportunities. read more
9 Feb 2023

Technology showcase opens for business

The HKTDC’s autumn fairs highlighting the latest innovations ran in the physical-digital EXHIBITION+ format, attracting 9,800 on-site visitors. read more
9 Feb 2023

Distiller crafts feline gin

A start-up has found a ready market for bespoke spirits in Hong Kong and is already expanding overseas. read more